United States of America There are a lot of things that you need to consider when you are applying to colleges and/or universities abroad, and we will give you an overview of each of them on this page.

The education system are divided into:

• Certificate level, generally for a year
• Diploma level, for one or two years
• Advanced Diploma, generally two or three-year programs
• Bachelor degrees, awarded after four years of full-time study or two years for international students
• Post-graduate Diplomas/Certificates, for one or two years of study
• Master’s degrees, available after a bachelor degree to excel in a certain subject, for two to three years
• Doctorate or PhD, generally four to seven years

1. United States of America

United States of America has been one of the most sought after destinations for international students for further education and job opportunities. It has been on top of the list due to its education options, latest advancements in technology, research options and also the flexibility of courses. Some points that will help you during your application process:

• First, make sure that you start early. The earlier that you start, the better off you will be.
• Narrowing your search will also make it much easier for you to apply to university. While you are looking for universities, you may want to consider narrowing your choices down to three to five schools.
• Many colleges and universities in the United States have a date that you must apply by. Some of them also have early admission programs that can help you secure funds and such before you start going to the university; these early admission programs may want you to apply up to a year in advance.
• As opposed to other countries that may focus on grades alone, universities in the United States take a more multi-faceted approach.
Overall, in order to succeed as a student in the United States, you need to make proper connections and apply as early as you can. Perform research, ask appropriate questions, and be smart about the process. If you follow these guidelines, you should not come across any problems while you are applying.

2. United Kingdom

• Study in the UK offers you a long history of teaching the world’s greatest leaders, thinkers and artists. You can choose from traditional UK universities that have taught for hundreds of years, or modern, state-of-the-art universities and colleges throughout England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales.
• Courses in London are always popular – living in one of the world’s most exciting and dynamic cities is a life-changing adventure. It’s a great place to learn English in the UK, or study an undergraduate or Masters Degree.
• A UK education doesn’t have to be expensive either. The cost of living outside of London is much more affordable.
• With advanced research methods and excellent facilities, you are guaranteed an education of the uppermost standard. UK courses are internationally recognized and come with prestigious qualifications that will make your résumé stand out to future employers. There is also a great deal of information and guidance available along the way to help you to further your education and plan your career.
• The UK has a large international student community and multicultural society. Students come from over 200 nations to study in the UK.

3. Canada

• Canadian universities are known for being consistently high quality and for offering internationally accepted degrees and credentials; some are ranked in the top 100 by reputable sources as The Times Higher Education Supplement and Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s Academic Ranking of World Universities.
• Over 10,000 undergraduate and graduate degree programs are offered at more than 100 institutions nationwide—and, tuition is generally much lower than in other leading study abroad countries. Students can pursue their studies at one of Canada’s top universities for roughly half of what it would cost to attend an equally reputable program at a private US university.
• International students can expect to be assisted in their university studies by such resources and services as orientation sessions, support programs, academic advising, prayer rooms, safe walk programs, student clubs, and assistance with medical concerns or housing issues.
• International students can often work while they study, taking advantage of many cooperative education and internship opportunities. There are also immigration programs that international students may qualify for post-graduation.
• The high quality of Canadian university education is further enabled by membership in the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) and provincial government charters.
• Canada makes a large investment in its education system. In fact, Canada is one of the world’s top education performers and among the top three countries in spending per capita on public post-secondary education, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

4. Australia

• The country famous for kangaroos, surfing and koalas, but there is a lot more to Australia. With a total area of 7.69 million square kilometers, it is the 6th largest country in the world by total area and is home to more than 23 million people. Currently, Australia is also considered as a global leader in education, which is one of the many reasons why students from around the world choose to pursue their studies there.
• The numbers above show that Australian education has the quantity and variety, but it is also worth noting that the country leads in quality. Seven out of the top 100 universities in the world can be found in Australia. Their university system also ranks 8th in the world, ahead of countries such as the UK, Germany and Japan. With these, Australia is recognized as a country that offers world-class education.
• The quality of education is important, but another significant aspect of choosing a location or university is student life. Australia, in fact, houses six of the forty best student cities in the world. A survey in 2012 even revealed that 88% of international student respondents are satisfied or very satisfied with living in Australia.
• Aside from these, the country and its government also make investments into international education. For example, there is more than $200,000,000 invested by the government annually for international scholarships.
• With these positive features of studying in Australia, it is no wonder that it is the 3rd most popular international student destination in the world, only behind the UK and the US.

5. New Zealand

• When you study in New Zealand, you’ll discover a unique country – the ultimate outdoor playground with excellent study opportunities. It’s a safe and welcoming community with a world-class reputation for cutting-edge research and creative energy.
• New Zealand is an attractive destination for international students and the country’s educational institutions are well regarded throughout the world so it’s not surprising so many people wish to study in New Zealand.
• The whole of New Zealand’s educational system is based upon the prestigious British system, which is similar to Singapore. New Zealand’s universities offer numerous opportunities for research and internships, where students can build practical skills needed in their future career and academic life.
• New Zealand has several types of post-secondary educational institutions: universities, colleges, private institutions and polytechnics. There are 8 universities in New Zealand, which all offer high quality education. It’s also important to note that all universities have their own international students sections dedicated to foreigners who wish to study in New Zealand.
• Programmes and courses offered in New Zealand tend to be are highly ranked on a global level. Many of them appear in international university rankings, such as the Times Higher Education Top 500 and the Shanghai Jiao Tong Top 500.
• One great advantage to studying in New Zealand is the unique approach to education the country has. Students are encouraged to think outside the box and find their own solutions, which is how many develop and perfect unique strengths and ideas whilst studying in the country.
• New Zealand universities offer plenty of opportunities to study at all levels, from undergraduate to PhD, with a wide range of quality postgraduate programmes at the Masters and PhD levels. In New Zealand, Masters Courses last for two years and PhD courses generally last 3 years.

6. Dubai

• Studying in the United Arab Emirates can certainly have its benefits: sun, sea, sand, potential tax-free earnings after graduation, and, according to the QS World University Rankings, some of the best universities in the Gulf region.
• Commonly shortened to UAE, the United Arab Emirates is made up of seven states, or emirates (kind of like a much, much smaller version of the United States). As with states in the US, each emirate has some degree of independence, but there’s also a federal government. This is known as the Supreme Council of Rulers, and is made up of the seven emirs – the leaders of each emirate – who inherit their positions.
• Being an expensive country to live in, the Dubai government offers scholarships to foreign students. There are various universities which offer their individual scholarships too.
• Medicine and Healthcare is one of the most popular choices of education fields among students. Education in Medicine and Healthcare is top most priority if every country. Dubai also has world class medicine facility and trains students in the same. If you wish to pursue education in Medicine and Healthcare from Dubai then you need to have high percentage at 10+2 and also need to clear TOEFL/IELTS test.

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